Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Obvious

I often say the obvious/ and people say/ "Duh" or "Mundane..."/ but I say the obvious for a reason/ and that is/ that a lot of people/ miss the obvious/ and they say things that are complicated and difficult, instead of simple/ but the simple and obvious things are the closest things to the truth/ I think/ and if I were asked the question, "Who are you?"/ I probably would say, "Me"/ even though I could write a thousand books on the subject/ the books all would boil down to the word, "Me"/ so case dismissed/ not guilty

Friday, September 26, 2014

Restart In Art

I have been doing art/ since I was about four/ and awhile ago/ I decided to try/ a return to the styles/ that I used/ as a kid/ so this writing style/ was the way I wrote/ back when I/ was about fourteen/ before things/ got piled higher and deeper/ and I painted some paintings like I did/ when I was about sixteen/ and I painted some others/ like I did/ when I was in kindergarten/ and I wrote music/ like I did/ in high school/ so now/ I am thinking of trying/ to make an art video/ like the one I made/ about forty five years ago

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Psychiatric Drugs And Poetry

I have been taking psychiatric drugs since I was seventeen. For the last thirty years, I have been on a drug called Haldol. In 1995, I briefly switched doctors, because they wanted to try me on the more recent drug called Risperdal. I immediately had a breakdown and wound up in the hospital.
While there, I wrote a book called The Sink Of Main. It was written on Risperdal mind.
For a few years before that, I had been writing poetry on Haldol mind.
After I got out of the hospital, I went back to Haldol and wrote many books for many years on Haldol mind.
Here are three examples of my poetry from that time.

The Heart Of Lake Orion     (from I Met A Warrior In A Children's Park, my second book)

I am sitting on a stone
by a lake with a waterfall.

The lake is encircled with rocks.
The waterfall is humming.

I have a thought
that this is the heart

of Lake Orion. A sign
is by the road, south

of the town which says,
where Life Is A Vacation.

That poem was written on Haldol mind, in 1994

The next poem was written on Risperdal mind, while in the hospital in 1995

What Is Taste?

Taste is in
your mouth.

There is no
honey in my
you ad.

Because it
actually is

A you ad
bag to drink.

Your music
is good because

it strikes
me funny.

This last poem was written on Haldol mind, in 2009

What I Did Before This

Waking up at midnight
I drink morning coffee
and proceed to practice
sets of exercises
one after another
for no reason
except health
and wisdom.

I am not writing this to condemn the use of psychiatric drugs, but only to show that we have no real fixed self. One strange chemical in our body is enough to cause a change as drastic as this one. I am still taking Haldol, but a small dose.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

How To Feel High On Drugs, Without Taking Drugs, Except Coffee

A way that I have found
to feel high on drugs,
is to wake up
too early,
because of some noise
or something,
like the dog
running around
or something,
and then
drink one cup
of coffee
and sit around
in a chair,
so then
you will probably feel
quite stoned
and it is
an excellent way,
so, insomnia
is actually
a pleasant experience,
and sleep deprivation
can be fun.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm Happy With My Small Penis

I'm happy with my small penis,
but it wasn't always that way,
so I have given up sex
with women,
and men
and dogs,
because they are
kind of hard
to get along with,
so I have married myself,
because I know
what turns me on,
and since
my penis doesn't work well
with women,
and men
and dogs,
I live happily alone,
so I know
many tantric sexual practices
that I can do
with myself,
so my sex life
is most wonderful, now,
but the only thing
that bothers me
about my small penis
is public pissing,
because occasionally
I get looks.

Friday, September 5, 2014


When I played baseball,
I struck out,
and when I chased girls,
I struck out, again,
so my balls
hang down,
and I don't have
much confidence,
but I'm working
on it,
so if I decide
to do a painting
of billiard balls,
I will go do it,
because I can create
at the drop
of a big hat,
and this is
a creation
of mine,
which was written
by the first mind,
who knows something,
but I am
a fool,
except for
this great wisdom mind.