Sunday, April 27, 2014


The way
that most doctors,
hospitals, family
and friends
have tried to help
and heal
people with severe mental problems,
like schizophrenia and bi-polar,
is to try
to get such people
to be normal,
to follow the normal way,
but such people
are not normal
because they have
a fundamentally different kind
of chemistry
than what I would call
so it's the old
square peg
in a round hole thing,
so I think
that the only way
to help and heal
someone with these severe mental problems,
is to point out the way
that is their way,
no matter how eccentric
or strange,
but the problem then arises
that society
can't usually accept
someone who is that different,
so many of us
with these difficult problems
have to leave the world
in a sense,
much like a nun
would join a convent.

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