Friday, July 31, 2015

About Inspirational Thoughts

I tend
to sit in a chair,
and I like
to receive
inspirational thoughts,
which are thoughts
that will get me out
of the chair,
to go about
doing something
that I like,
and I get them
from the mind
and I have to decide
if the thoughts
are what I
Really Want To Do,
so these thoughts
are soaking in desire,
and Buddha said
that desire
causes suffering,
but inspiration
is just what
the doctor ordered
for me,
so these thoughts
are negatives
if you get too many,
or if you don't get enough,
but are a great joy
if you get
just the right ones,
so in the West
most people
think they come
from God,
but Buddhists tend to believe
that they come from
the original mind,
the empty source,
but I don't know,
I'm just
a no-nothing.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Is A Dog Buddha?

There is talk going around
that animals
are more like Buddhas
than humans,
which I think
is a dangerous teaching,
and it comes
from this insistence
on being
in the second stage
of Zen,
which is the not thinking stage,
or no mind,
so some people think
that animals
have perfect no minds,
and are therefore
more advanced
than humans,
but I think
that animals
have only
the ancient, reptilian mind,
and mammals have
the feeling mind,
but they don't have
the higher consciousness
that mankind has,
so animals
have no idea
about morality
or meditation
and therefore
aren't Buddhas,
they are brainless idiots,
like some of us
are seeming
to becoming
if we believe
that dogs are Buddhas.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Where Crawdads Grow

This is Earth,
the place
where crawdads grow
and bedbugs roam
searching for blood,
the place where
an ordinary person
who thinks he is
the Christ,
the Antichrist,
and Maitreya Buddha
all rolled into one,
is eating a egg monster
off of a plate,
so this is Earth, folks,
the place
where I am sometimes told
is pure and perfect.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Why Did We Put Hell In Hello

So, as we are walking
we encounter
our fellow people,
but since we were taught
not to talk to strangers,
and since they teach us
on television
that we never know
who these people are,
that they might be
a shooter or a rapist
or a mugger or something,
so we decided
like football players
that the best defense
is a good offense,
so every person
that we meet
we say a cheerful "Hi" to,
but actually
we're scared
and they are scared
and it's like we pulled out
a gun or something,
so they say "Hi" back,
and we keep on walking,
so that was how I was,
until I learned to shut up,
and now I see
that there's sometimes
hell in hello.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Why Did We Take The Good Out Of Goodbye

We don't say
and it meant
God be with you,
or Good be with you,
now we say bye,
and some people think
you mean bi,
or we say
see you later,
like we haven't seen them
or we say
have a nice day,
without knowing
that we are wishing someone
a nice day,
and if we do say
it seems so final
that some people
might think
that they are going
to die,
or something.