I'm playing in the Buddha Bowl.
It's Buddha's team
against Mr. Big's team.
Buddha's strategy
is to lose.
Mr. Big's strategy
is to make
as many numbers
as his team
can possibly make.
Miley Cyrus
is on Mr. Big's team
and has a score
of well over
a hundred million.
Miley is a sexpot
and sexpots
make extremely good players
for Mr. Big's team.
I am a bad player
for Buddha's side,
because I have
a secret desire
to win some numbers,
because I don't want
to lose my shirt,
like Buddha wants us to.
So, I have a score
of about two thousand.
I hope I don't lose
my two thousand,
and I even secretly
want a million.
The Buddha bowl
has gone on throughout history
and Mr. Big
always wins
and Buddha always loses.
Rah team...